You have clearly taken sides politically in this chapter of Twitter’s story so I will not even get into a fight over this. There is no point. Only the extreme far-right and Nazi-supporting trolls are happy with Musk letting them back in. Absolutely nobody else. Just them.
But putting that aside, you assume too much and you most probably do not know what you’re talking about. Even if Twitter needed trimming down, which it probably did, it was done in the most careless, unplanned way possible — and it shows. Musk will run into legal trouble sooner or later for weakening the moderation and policy arms of the company to such an extent, so quickly. He is already breaking deadlines left and right because what’s left of the coders, even if they are the best Twitter had, can only do so much.
Then there’s the small matter of revenue and, well, bankruptcy. Advertisers are still leaving. Those staying keep ad spending to a minimum while waiting to see how all this unfolds. The blue checkmark will *not* bring in as much money as Musk thinks it will. Other sources of revenue do not seem to be a good fit for that particular social network. So that “let’s talk about this in 3 years’ time” thing is not at all certain, in my opinion. Not at all.
The way Musk is running Twitter as a whole is also disgusting on so many levels. You may not care about it, about the way people (like visa holders) are practically blackmailed into working overtime all the time, for instance. But some of us do care. Insults in meetings, people getting fired without notice, contractors being left out of the loop constantly, all these are signs of a dictatorship within a company and it will wear down Twitter from within over time.
Last but not least: to be honest, my personal experience from using “the new Twitter” since October is this: it has gotten worse. Way worse. I get a lot of far-right accounts in my timeline as “suggested” without ever having interacted with them or their followers. That shouldn’t be happening in theory. I get way more spam messages in my inbox from crypto scammers to fake escorts etc. than before. Plus just weird stuff sometimes, like e.g. mentions that show up many hours after they’ve been posted, unfollows I never did, that kind of thing.
So no, I totally disagree with you. I don’t see Twitter “flourishing” any time soon. What I deem more probable is Twitter becoming Truth Social 2.0 — most of us non-Trump supporters logging in for just posting our article links and leaving without interacting with anyone — and fascist trolls sticking around not being enough for it to be a sustainable business.
Sad thing is: there isn’t, and there won’t be, a Twitter alternative. So Musk will have practically destroyed the most influential social network through arrogance and mismanagement. Unless, of course, that was his intention all along: to diminish it in such a way that it looks as if it was mismanaged, while the goal was to just destroy it for political reasons. We may never know.