That's just the thing, though. There shouldn't be any "filler movies" or even "connecting TV shows". Every Marvel production should have been able to stand on its own as a quality example of its medium.
Disney got so obsessed with building out this "cinematic universe" that it forgot what we are all here for: good old fashioned fun. Decent entertainment. That's what happened when suits take most of the important decisions.
In short: it shouldn't be all about the money. If it's all about that, it's bound to be an empty husk, not art. Disney - and everyone else for that matter - should strive to create high quality entertainment.
Sure, it can't all be pure "art" but every production should strive to be a labor of love. Something that's been created with care, something meaningful. If a movie or a TV show go for that, they will hit a certain level of quality and the money or subscribers or whatever will come. If not, then... well, here we are.