I will - I'll be following this one closely myself. There's something afoot with Microsoft's stance. On one hand they went to all the trouble of threatening consumers for the W11 updates on unsupported machines, on the other **they published an official workaround for the CPU check** themselves! It's so weird. Do they even want to be taken seriously anymore?
I wouldn't take that first update as an indication of Microsoft's intentions as a whole but maybe we are heading for an "unofficial" situation like the one we've had with the Win7/8 to Win10 update window, which supposedly closed at some point but in practice never did.
Maybe machines with CPUs not included in the whitelist WILL get the updates but they will not be officially supported and if anything goes wrong with them it will be 100% on the consumer (which is a scenario not legally bulletproof).
The only sure thing about all this is that Microsoft has handled the whole W11 situation in an unbelievably bad way. Or they simply do not care enough so as not to botch a Windows launch. Good times!